Adsorption processes
Markus Boller, Silvana Velten
To determine the significance of
activated carbon (AC) adsorption within future process schemes for drinking
water treatment including membranes and ozonation.
In Switzerland, activated carbon
adsorption is a process used in most modern water works treating surface waters.
There is usually no specified task for the granular activated carbon filters
(GAC) to remove single substances but rather to act as a general quality
improvement process mainly by its biological activity. In recent years, GAC
filters are mostly combined with a preceding ozonation step where substantial
fractions of organic substances are oxidized to readily biodegradable compounds.
These are further biochemically oxidized in GAC filters, leading to a more
stable water with respect to potential growth and aftergrowth in holding tanks
and distribution systems.
With the introduction of membranes into water treatment technology, the application of powdered activated carbon (PAC) became more important. The combination of PAC with ultra- or microfiltration revealed to be a viable alternative for the treatment of certain raw waters. The combination is considered to be a highly competitive treatment option compared to the more costly nanofiltration.
The project concentrates on
the effects of activated carbon adsorption and on the parameters focused in this
study such as NOM, AOC, taste and odour, and DBPs. These
parameters are strongly influenced by ozonation. GAC or
PAC are therefore considered as part of a treatment scheme following ozonation.
Eventually, specific micropollutants are included in the study in order to
demonstrate the potential of AC application on the removal of these